This piece was first started nearly a year ago. It has taken me nearly as long to complete as the first piece I did, which I now realize I never posted the finished painting. I'm bad at starting too many things and finishing none of them. This is the progress I've made on Hades. For those who don't remember I, forever and ever ago, wanted to do a series of paintings featuring the Greek Gods as gender opposites. So, you get Hades and Poseidon as women. Soon to come (hopefully), Zeus. This was also, originally, going to be a gift. Unfortunately times change. I really love this piece for everything it is and everything it still represents to me. Its taken me so long, because there is a lot tied to it in my memory. The things that were happening in my life when I started this painting were not easy. But I have learned a lot since then, been given time to figure things out and finally lay to rest some of my mistakes and remember only the things worth remembering. Love and friendships, though they come and go should be cherished for the good things they brought you. You may wish things had gone differently, you may regret your actions or the actions of others, but in the end, none of that matters. You can only take ownership for you own actions and go from there.
I'm rambling.
It's not finished yet, but I will finish it soon. There's something its missing, I just need to figure out what that is. Still working on skulls n things.
More to come.

"Well someone said I made a mistake
Kept looking forward on paths sideways
It's everything that is connected and beautiful
And now I know just where i stand
Seasons always shift too late
Spent too much time now on paths sideways
Everything that is connected and beautiful
And now I know just where i stand
Thank god it's over..." -Silversun Pickups (Kissing Families)
I just LOVE the series you have started here! Awesome stuff! It's funny that we happened to choose Mythology for our collaboration and I can already tell that you are spreading your idea about switching the gender. :) Maybe what makes you think Hades is missing something is the fact the Poseidon has a lot of extra pieces in the hair. I do like the way the hair looks now but maybe that is what it needs? I would say the skull and hair decoration doesn't need anything else because they look perfect. Don't touch those!