A couple of weeks ago, I picked up an art book featuring the works of Alphonse Mucha. I've always really liked his style of illustration, the intricately detailed backgrounds, the flowing fabric, the voluptuous female figures with their heavy black outlines, etc. So I decided to do an experiment of sorts with Clarity and draw a picture inspired by that style, but still keeping it my own. This is the result... in progress.
There are issues, like her left hand being way too effing big, and she looks very young in my opinion (granted she's only 21), but still I'm having a good time working on this. I'm dubbing it a color test because I wanted to do a more definite version of Clair's color scheme and this is my vehicle for that idea. While I've been working on this, I've also been working on a pastel drawing of the circulatory system. It's a close up of the heart and major arteries in particular. I think I'm going to lay the ribcage over top, but I'm going to photograph the first stage, because something about the way veins branch out reminds me of tree limbs and roots. It's been very calming to work on. It's also a bigger piece than I've done for a while, 24"x18".
A lot of things have come up lately and I find I stay the most positive when I continue working. Art is really starting to see me through again. And although I never made any new years resolutions this year, I think I've decided that the only resolution I need is this.
"See it through."
More to come.
"I'm working on drawing a straight line
And I'll draw until I get one right
It's bold and dark, girl, can't you see?
I done drawn a line between you and me."
-Frightened Rabbit (My Backwards Walk)
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