This is not a double exposure, just a simple photograph taken in a double glass door down at Bonaventure with my crappy little Cannon Powershot. I decided to go for a long walk in the cemetery since it's right down the road. I see why it's a huge tourist attraction now. Lots of history and holy crow, the place goes on forever. I thought I was going to get lost walking around, so I went back for my car. The view of the marsh from the bluff at the end of the burial sites is amazing. Lots of Snowy Egrets down in the river. I also took some pictures with my Yashica but I'm going to have to wait until I can get space for a dark room to develop them.
Here's a wider view of the door, just in case y'all don't believe me.

More to come.
"Oh my God, you think I'm in control
Oh my God, you think it's all for fun
Is this fun for you?" - Ida Maria (Oh My God)