I was a vampire (ew in general, but they're everywhere now, right?) and I lived in this huge ass mansion with a coven who believed we should 'hunt' and dispatch of people in the same manner as the great Dexter Morgan. In other words, we would sneak up on our victims, tranquilize them, drain them of blood, and cut them up into little pieces. My coven was at war with a rival coven who collected animals (kind of kept this weird zoo, right?) and killed people outright instead of 'humanely'. They had also recently stolen a castle from us... Well, while the rest of my coven was out fighting these other vampires, I was left behind, being a younger vamp myself. How did I fill my time you ask? Why playing hide and seek with our Guardian Zombie Giraffe. :D

That's right. Zombie Giraffe. Totally awesome, and you know you wish you could have one too. Our awesome pet came with interchangeable heads! He was a big sweetie too... Is it weird for me to say I miss him? There was more to the dream, Maggie (my dog) got taken away to be put in our rivals weird ass zoo and I had to go save her (choke out a few vampire bi*ches in the process), but Mr. Giraffe stuck with me the clearest. I've been meaning to draw him for some time now and I finally got around to it at work of all places. So there you go. Bet you never thought you'd see the day. I might have to incorporate this into a story at some point. My brother seems to think it would make an awesome kids show, which I question.
Need to get more art done. Working on it.
More to come.
"Like stars burning holes right through the dark
Flicking fire like saltwater into my eyes
You were one inch from the edge of this bed
I dragged you back a sleepyhead, sleepyhead. "
- Passion Pit (Sleepyhead)