Just returned from Savannah, GA. Met some very interesting people on my wanderings, from fellow artists and illustrators at coffee shops (discussions of Scottie Young *smirk*), to my sister's zany and always fun friends, to the quiet people befriended at street corners or in swirling tidal pools. The weather was perfect, although I must say that the south has it's share of monsterously sized mosquitoes and cockroaches. Also reapplying sunscreen tends to slip one's mind if you fall asleep on the beach (yay, sunburn! It made some very interesting asymmetrical patters...). All and all a fantastic trip that is simply too much for me to surmise at the moment. I'm merely here and not napping to post some of the sketches I did on vaca.

First is a series of redesigns for my chop/personal logo/tattoo eventually. Played around with some different shapings, placement, concepts. Nothing too major, but it was a fun thing to do when sitting in the squares, waiting for Jess to get off work.
The second sketch is a personal one I won't go too into... there are a lot of emotions surrounding the reasons I drew it, and a lot of emotions I have towards the people in it. But at the core of my being, I missed "the gang" as we're so labeled below. Just a quick throw together with pencil, pen, and marker. Although it's a quick sketch, and there's a lot wrong with it technically, I really like this image alot...

Hopefully I'll have more to post soon. Now that I'm back in Dayton, I have to say I'm a little befuddled... which in any other context would be a word worth giggling over. For right now, some kind of sleep sounds like the right answer. As always, more to come.