I finally decided to post a turnaround preview for Clarity Gale, the main character for my upcoming comic series, Devour Them (which will make it's debut early 2010 ^^). I'm still not set on the color scheme, but much of what Clair wears is muted blues and greens, the same colors in the salt marshes she calls home. Tonight, I don't think I'll post any of her bio, but as things progress, I hope to keep it updated on this blog, if not one of my other journals. For now, I'll just say she's a cultural anthropologist who has been going through big changes recently... like dealing with demons.

Savannah, it's surrounding lowlands, beaches, and marshes are a beautiful place, year round. There is a sense of something powerful going on around the dark and mysterious backdrop a place with such history provides. I've long made trips back and forth from this city and hope to soon call it home. For now, it remains a key point in a story I'm still unraveling, and having a lot of fun in doing so. Devour Them is a personal story in many ways, but I think it's message will hit home for a broad audience, and I'm excited to get it out to the masses.
For now, it's Christmas Eve and I'm hoping everyone out there is snug around a fire with friends and family. I'm sure Clarity would wish you the same.
More to come.